The Dutch Product Board Animal Feed and Wageningen University and Research are to organise an international Workshop ‘Carbon Footprint Animal Nutrition’ on Monday 20th June and Tuesday 21st June, 2011. Also two field trips are included in the program.
The system boundaries of the carbon footprint project comprise crop production (as the first step) up to and including the conversion of animal feed into animal product (as the last step).
Therefore the workshop is meant for, among others, crop producers, primary food processors, (compound) feed industry, animal husbandry, and the dairy, meat and egg industry.
The brief outline of this versatile and interactive programme is as follows:
Day 1 – Monday, June 20th 2011 (registration as of 08.00 hrs; start program 09.00 hrs)
Venue: Congress hotel ‘Hof van Wageningen’, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Opening by Theun Vellinga (project leader, senior researcher at WUR, Lelystad)
Various sessions chaired by Brian Lindsay (Project Manager Dairy and Livestock at the SAI Platform)
Session 1: The importance of a transparent / public and uniform / harmonised and widely supported calculation of the Carbon Footprint
With presentations by representatives of, respectively, the European Commission, the European Food SCP Roundtable, the slaughterhouses and meat processing industry, the dairy industry and the retail trade.
Session 2: State of the art in methodology and data quality
Various presentations covering the following subjects: developments in methodology, data collection and data quality and harmonisation of calculation methods in a number of European countries.
Session 3: Presentation of the calculations
After an explanation and exploration of a sample calculation model, assignments will be carried out in groups.
The purpose of a first-rate calculation model is that each link in the chain can use it to direct its actions.
The assignments carried out will be used to formulate what is good about the sample calculation model and where changes or improvements are desired.
In addition, the following general aspect will be discussed: What is necessary – for a link in the chain – to link an optimal action perspective to a calculation.
Session 4: Panel discussion of topics which result from the harmonisation of calculation methods and the sample calculation model.
Day 2 – Field trips The second day of the programme is dedicated to field trips. Tuesday, June 21st starts at 08.00 hrs and will end at approximately 15.30 hrs at Schiphol airport for those that have to fly back home.
The first trip is to the Research Centre of Provimi in Velddriel.
The reduction of methane emission by cattle is one of the topics on which the research by Provimi is focused.
In addition, research is also conducted into the sustainability of feed in other production animals.
After an explanation of the measuring techniques with regard to methane emission and the highlights of the research by Provimi, the experimental facilities will be visited in groups.
The second trip is to the dairy farm of Van Wijk in Waardenburg. This farm is one of the participants in the project ‘Koeien en Kansen’ (Cows and Opportunities).
In this project, which has been running for many years, a number of ‘pioneer companies’ explore how new challenges in the environmental field can be taken up at the company level.
They receive guidance from Wageningen University by means of knowledge instruments, among other tools.
During the visit the objectives of the project will be given and the dairy farm will be visited. Also, a short presentation will be given on the way in which Dutch dairy farms have to deal with ‘Land Use Change’.
Participation to the workshop is set at € 325, which includes attending the lectures, excursions, lunches, coffee/tea and (on June 20th) a dinner.
Two overnight stays in congress hotel Hof van Wageningen (arrival on Sunday, June 19th, departure on Tuesday, 21th): € 125 (breakfast included).
Entry for the workshop can be done by filling in a digital registration form on the PDV workshop site.