New in ovo coccidiosis vaccine establishes early immunity

28-01-2011 | |
New in ovo coccidiosis vaccine establishes early immunity

Pfizer Poultry Health is offering US poultry producers a new option to optimise protection against one of the poultry industry’s most costly diseases, coccidiosis.

Inovocox EM1 is specially formulated to fight coccidiosis—the intestinal parasitic disease with an annual estimated global economic impact exceeding $3 billion. The new formulation joins the vaccine Inovocox — launched in early 2009 — as the first and only coccidiosis vaccines specifically licensed and designed for in ovo administration.

Necrotic enteritis
Both vaccines contain Eimeria acervulina and E. tenella but, unlike its relative, Inovocox EM1 contains only one strain of E. maxima, meaning there is a reduced risk of disturbing the enterocytes of the midgut and a lower incidence of necrotic enteritis.

“Pfizer Poultry Health created two distinct formulations with broiler operations in mind,” said Dr. Jon Schaeffer, Director of Veterinary Operations at Pfizer.

“Because no two operations are the same, veterinarians can help producers select the best vaccine for the individual conditions and specific coccidiosis challenge that each unit faces.

“In conditions that favour necrotic enteritis, such as wet litter, extended brooding, high pH soil, poor ventilation, etc., Inovocox EM1 is the solution of choice.”

The new vaccine is a partner for the Embrex Inovoject System, which can deliver a precise and uniform dose of either Inovocox or Inovocox EM1 in ovo to 18- or 19-day-old embryonated chicken eggs.

In ovo vaccination
The Embrex Inovoject System is the most widely used in ovo system available because it delivers optimal in ovo vaccination through adaptable egg location, consistent shell penetration, accurate site of injection, gentle vaccine delivery and effective needle sanitation.

“In the case of coccidiosis, in ovo administration enables precise coccidiosis control across the entire flock at the earliest possible point in a chicken’s life—while it is still in the egg,” Dr. Schaeffer says. “Coccidiosis is difficult to control once it takes hold in a flock, making early prevention a priority for poultry producers“.

Related website
Pfizer Poultry Health

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