For the first time, Biorigin will attend the World’s Poultry Congress, which will be held in Salvador, from August 5th to 9th. In addition to being an exhibitor, Biorigin is sponsoring the event, which targets the aviculture market.
During the fair, Biorigin’s technical team will present the benefits of the 100% natural ingredients solutions, derived from yeast, for the poultry’s feeding and health. The highlight will be the disclosure of the scientific article’s results of the use of ActiveMOS, a prebiotic rich in mannan oligosaccharides (MOS), HiCell, autolysed yeast high protein level, and Selemax, organic selenium.
In addition to these products, Biorigin will also present other solutions, such as Biotide, an inactive yeast high levels of nucleotides, MacroGard, beta 1,3/1,6 glucans, Nutricell, dry inactive yeast, and Brewcell, brewers yeast.
Biorigin’s portfolio is composed by 100% safe ingredients, and the production process’ traceability is completely assured, since the raw material, in addition to its quality, which is attested by numerous certifications.