Aviagen UK Breeding Programme Director, Jim McAdam, outlined the need for welfare and sustainability components in broiler breeding at the recent meeting of the World Poultry Science Association (WPSA).
Held in Uppsala, Sweden, the meeting attracted 180 poultry industry experts and producers from around the world between 18 and 20 June.
McAdam told delegates: “Broad breeding goals and genetic diversity are essential to achieve a balanced progress in pedigree broiler lines. This approach has had and will continue to have benefits for the broiler industry globally.”
“Within the Aviagen breeding programmes, a large amount of data is gathered on a variety of traits for each individual bird, including information on welfare, health, fitness, reproduction and production efficiency.”
McAdam also highlighted the importance of the interaction between production and selection environments with regard to selection.
McAdam added: “An important aspect to consider is that long term selection of traits in only one environment will lead to increased productivity under those circumstances. However, Aviagen use a variety of environments for selection purposes which ensures improved performance in a wide range of growing environments across the globe.
Balanced breeding simultaneously improves productivity, efficiency, environmental impact, animal health and welfare, food quality and safety.”
“Aviagen and the WPSA share the same aim of of advancing knowledge and understanding of all aspects of poultry science. We are very proud of the practical support we can offer the industry and to have opportunities such as this to share our knowledge with the wider industry. This event was yet again a perfect example of the interaction between academia and industry, creating a platform for attendees to improve their knowledge and share insights for the mutual benefit of our industry.”