€820,000 joint Austrian / Hungarian poultry project

08-06-2011 | | |

A collaborative agreement governing a three-year cooperation was signed on 24 May 2011 between the Vetmeduni Vienna and the Georgikon Faculty of the University of Pannonia. The collaboration does not just relate to common research and consultation activities but also aims at helping poultry producers and improving food safety.

The partners in the project, which is entitled “Centre of Excellence” for Poultry, include the Vetmeduni Vienna and the agricultural faculty of the University of Pannonia. The initiative is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and its objective is to establish a knowledge centre to foster the activities of businesses in the border region, to improve their efficiency and to ensure the production of safe poultry products. 

The two partner institutions have internationally recognized experience in the fields of poultry nutrition and poultry health, on the basis of which they intend to work together in research and education, focusing on issues that emerge in practice. The results of the joint work will be incorporated into the two institution’s teaching programmes and consulting services.

During the course of the project, the partners aim to organize joint research programmes, seminars and workshops and to release information materials. To maintain contact with the key players in industry, an interactive website has been launched (www.cepofocus.eu).

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