Hy-Line International opens a new pedigree hatchery in Perry, Iowa, designed for Hy-Line’s research and development pedigree program.
The hatchery has been equipped with industry-leading incubators and equipment coupled with stringent biosecurity measures, and will be under the direction of production director Dr. Antonio Paraguassu.
Among those attending the two dau celebration were members of the Perry city government, Perry Chamber of Commerce, city, county and regional development officials and other invited guests.
Shown in the photo from left to right: Dr. Neil O’Sullivan- Director of Research and Development, Hy-Line International, Rich Jones- Perry Industries/Perry Economic Development, Butch Niebuhr- Perry City Administrator, Linda Schaut- Executive Director, Dallas County Alliance, Perry Mayor Jay Pattee, Dr. Doug Grieve- President, Hy-Line International, Bill Boorn- Perry Industries/Perry Economic Development, Bill Clark- Perry Industries/Perry Economic Development and Dr. Antonio Paraguassu- Director of Production, Hy-Line International