ISA launches Dekalb White in Argentina

09-08-2011 | | |

Early this year ISA signed an agreement with Cabaña Avicola Modelo in Argentina for the distribution of Dekalb white in this Latin American country. First parent stock flocks are in production already.

Results so far are promising. The first two flocks have reached a peak of production of 97.6%, according to Mauricio Fernandez and Dr. Leandro De Gracia of Cabaña Avicola Modelo. “These flocks really show the genetic potential we may expect from commercial layers”. Besides, Cabaña Avicola Modelo has also invested in a new modern hatchery.

Cabaña Avicola Modelo in Bolivia is a user of ISA Brown parent stock for a long time already. Cesar Cuadros and family are owners and they say: “We received our first flock of ISA Brown in January 1986, and the reasons that made us choose this strain and keep it for so many years were the good results and the very satisfying genetic progress we have experienced.”

“We chose DeKalb after we had visited producers in Brazil and we had seen their several results that proved the excellent production parameters and internal and external egg quality. We expect that in Argentina we can get similar results.”

Meanwhile, first egg producers in Argentina have shown their interest in Dekalb White. 

Source: ISA poultry
