Modernisation helps Russian poultry growth

14-01-2013 | | |
Modernisation helps Russian poultry growth
Modernisation helps Russian poultry growth

The volume of poultry meat production in Russia in 2012 reached 3.55 million tonnes, a 10.8% increase over the level of 2011, reports Rosptitsesoyuz, the Russian Union of Poultry Farmers.

This figure was announced at the meeting, where the developments of the industry over the last six years were summed up.


According to the statistics of the Union over the years 2006-2012 Russia increased poultry production almost 2.6 times. Experts explained that the positive change occured by the successful implementation of the national project of development of agro-industrial complex in 2006-2007, and the state program of agricultural development in 2008-2012, that provided a large support to the poultry farmers.

Regarding egg production, the group reported that in 2006-2012 production rose by 13.7% in total. In January-December 2012 Russian poultry farms produced 42.2 billion eggs, a 2.7% increase over the same period of 2011.

“The success of the industry was largely achieved through the investment, which allowed us to construct, reconstruct and modernise 125 poultry facilities and improve quality and productivity of livestock”, said the report of Rosptitsesoyuz.

The leading regions in terms of poultry production meat in Russia in 2012 were Belgorod, Leningrad, Moscow, Rostov, Krasnoyarsk Krai and Stavropol Krai.

The pace of growth in poultry production sector is the highest in the whole livestock industry of the country, experts pointed out. The level of poultry production is already close to the volume of domestic demand in the country. Moreover, according to the State Agriculture Development Programme for 2013-2020 years, exports of poultry by 2020 could reach 400,000 tonnes.

Vladislav Vorotnikov Eastern European correspondent