Prof Stevens gets Dieter Lütticken Award

27-08-2007 | | |

The British professor Mark Stevens has been honoured with the Intervet Dieter Lütticken Award at the Sixth World Congress on Alternatives, held on August 24th in Tokyo, Japan.

Stevens, attached to the Institute for Animal Health in Compton, UK, received his award for his excellent contribution to the principle of 3Rs (Refinement, Reduction, Replacement) for the development and production of veterinary medicinal products.
Stevens’ laboratory has developed several animal models to study the pathogenesis of enteric bacterial infections of livestock and uses novel genetic methods to dissect the molecular basis of bacterial virulence.
Attila von Hanko, president of Intervet Japan, who presented the award, with a prize fund of €20,000 said: “The work of Prof Stevens and his colleagues is highly relevant in terms of the 3Rs, to better understand the pathogenesis of bacterial infections and to develop safe and efficacious animal medicines while using less animals during product development.”
“I appreciate very much that we can honour Prof Stevens today.”
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