US poultry org sponsors upcoming grain conference

29-09-2011 | | |

The 2011 Grain Forecast and Economic Outlook Conference will address the latest developments in the rising price of corn, along with other notable sessions to keep grain and feed ingredient purchasing managers informed on current events.

Sponsored by US Poultry & Egg Association’s Poultry & Egg Institute, the annual conference will be held November 9, at the Airport Hilton Hotel, Atlanta, GA.

Feed manufacturing is an expensive and crucial aspect in today’s poultry and egg operations, and the increasing cost of corn is a serious concern. In addition, grain and feed ingredient purchasing is often a complicated process with prices being affected by many factors, such as ethanol and economic conditions. The goal of the Grain Forecast and Economic Outlook Conference is to help provide poultry feed ingredient buyers with the essential information needed to make those critical buying decisions. 

The program will begin with a Wall Street View of the Protein Markets and will follow with presentations on topics such as Ethanol/Renewable Fuels/Acreage Legislation…Impact on Poultry Industry; Oilseed and Feed Grain Outlooks; Feed Ingredient Trends, and other factors that impact the bottom line cost of poultry feed.

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